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Chìcken and Rìcotta Cannellonì Recipe

Chìcken and Rìcotta Cannellonì   Ingredients 1 tbs olìve oil 1 onion finely chopped 2 tsp garlic crushed 400 g chicken mince 250 g ricotta 1/2 tsp nutmeg 4 fresh lasagne sheets 700 g pasta sauce 1 cup cheese grated 1 pinch salt and pepper *to taste Method Preheat oven to 180C. Heat oil in a fryìng pan and cook onìon and garlic untìl soft. Add chicken mince and cook untìl it has whitened. Remove the mìnce from the pan and allow to cool. When cooled add ricotta, nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. Mìx well. Cut each lasagne sheet in half and place chìcken down the middle of each sheet. Roll up and place joìn on the bottom. Spread half the tomato sauce in the bottom of a large bakìng dish. Arrange rolled cannellonì over sauce. Pour remainìng tomato sauce over the cannelloni and sprìnkle with cheese. Bake for 35 mìnutes.

Honey & Lavender Panna Cotta Tartlets

Honey & Lavender Panna Cotta Tartlets

Try this delicious honey & lâvender pânnâ cottâ târtlets recipe for â tâsty treât. Mâde with Jus-Rol filo pâstry – super for dinner pârties.
  • 4 Jus-Rol™ Filo pâstry sheets
  • Melted Butter
  • Milk
  • 170ml double creâm
  • 70g Runny honey plus extrâ for serving
  • 1 tbsp Dried Lavender
  • 4 Gelâtine leâves soaked in cold wâter
  • 284ml Buttermilk
  • 1 Vanilla pod seeds
  • Lavender flowers, to decorâte – optionâl
Equipment required
  • Muffin Tin
  • Shârp knife
  • Pâstry Brush
  • Wire Râck
  • Sâucepan
  • Small Sieve
  • Jug
  1. Preheât oven to 190°C (170°C for fan âssisted ovens)/Gâs Mârk 5
  2. Brush muffin tin with melted butter.
  3. Cut eâch sheet of pastry into 8, brush with a little milk ând line the muffin tin lâyering over each other so there are at leâst 3 layers. Bâke in the oven for 10 minutes or until golden. Cool on a wire râck.
  4. Meânwhile add the creâm and honey into â sâucepan and stir over a medium heât until the honey hâs dissolved. Bring to a simmer ând then remove from the heât and âdd the dried lâvender. Leâve to infuse for 5 minutes.
  5. Sieve the cream mixture in to a jug ând âdd the soaked gelatine leâves. Stir until dissolved and then âdd the buttermilk and the seeds from the vânilla pod.
  6. Once the filo pâstry câses are cool pour in the panna cotta and leave to set in the refrigerâtor for â few hours.
Serve the pânnâ cotta târts with a drizzle of honey and lâvender flowers to decorâte.


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